Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Day in the Life of Jonathan...

Every day when I wake up, Mommy feeds me.  I’m pretty picky about new textures, so I still prefer to eat mostly from her.  She doesn’t even try to feed me breakfast because I don’t take to it very well.  After I eat, sometimes she gives me a sponge bath because it’s much easier than getting into the water.  I can’t feel much from the waist down, so this also affects how I control (or don’t control) my poop!  This can make baths very interesting, so I think she prefers to just sponge me off right now.  Sometimes, though, she lets me sit in my booster seat and play with some water on my tray since I don’t get to do this in the bath. 

Usually after this, I hang out on the floor and in my chair just playing and watching my brother and sisters.  Mom helps me move from place to place and reposition, since I’m not scooting around any.  I just got some new glasses because my right eye is stronger than my left eye.  Mom has a lot of fun right now because I like to pull them off and won’t keep them on!  Most mornings I take a little nap.  A couple of days a week, after my nap, my physical or occupational therapist comes and works with me.  They are great and help me learn to do new things!  It’s very hard work, but I enjoy doing new things and working to gain more strength. 

I eat a tiny bit of lunch, but only pureed baby foods.  Mom’s working hard to introduce me to new temperatures and textures.  One of my favorite things to do is “eat” food through a mesh feeder, so I get all of the flavor without any chunky things in my mouth.  It’s taking a while, but I will be able to eat other things soon.  I already have my first two teeth and more are on their way.  After I eat some lunch, I’m pretty tired again and take my afternoon nap. 

In the evenings, I hang out with my family again.  I like this time because I get to hang out with Dad some.  He makes me laugh and smile.  Mom also practices some of the things I’m learning.  Right now, she’s showing me how to roll from my back to my belly by pulling on things around me.  I can hang out on my belly, even sleep that way, by I like to lay on my back and play. 

Some days, we do some running around and get errands done around town.  Mom takes me in the stroller or my car seat since I can’t sit up in the cart at the store.  I love to be around people (prefer them over toys!) and like to be on the go too!

I’m pretty set in my bedtime routine.  I like for Mom to feed me at the end of a long day, and then she lays me down to sleep.  I know she wishes that I could sleep completely through the night, but I get a little stiff at night or hungry at times and that makes me cry out once or twice a night. 

I know that my life looks different than other little guys my age, but I’m working hard and growing every day.  With all that I’ve been through, I feel pretty blessed.  I am surrounded by people who love me and want the best for me.  And Mom and Dad are sure to tell me often how much God loves me and that He must have a special plan for me since He created me just the way I am.  I also hear Mom at different times talking softly to me about the day she will get to see me completely whole one day, walking with Jesus.  From the way she describes heaven, it’s going to be an incredible place.  Mom and Dad both pray over me, asking that my life will point others to God and shine as a testimony of His goodness.  I’m so very thankful.

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