Tuesday, July 24, 2012


hi-a-tus "An interruption in time or continuity:  break; especially:  a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted"

That definition sums up the lack of posts since the end of March when Jonathan left the hospital.  I've written hundreds of mini posts in my head, but none of them have actually made it online.  In fact, it's been so long since I logged on, that I had to look my password up again and also found that blogger has a whole new face that I'm trying to navigate!

I guess I needed the hiatus.  When Jonathan first got home from the hospital again, life was consumed with taking the next step and getting things done.  Then, as he healed and my fears calmed, I've found it hard to put into words what I am feeling and experiencing.  It was all I could do just to live it!

I'm talking about living with our precious son who brings a whole new reality to our family.  And living in a state of change while we await the next step for our family.  And living with a great deal of uncertainty about anything from when our next trip to the hospital will be, to what school will look like this year for our children.

And much has happened in our family since the end of March.  Jonathan went back into the hospital in May for hernia surgery.  We took a trip to FL for my sister's wedding.  My husband is now working, in an entirely different setting though with a similar emphasis.  We've "almost" bought a house and are searching for a much-needed second vehicle!  Not to mention, enrolling our kiddos in a home school coop (a first for all of us!).

I feel as though the entire last year was a bit of a hiatus for our family.  A sudden break in all that was familiar.  And, yet, it's one of those funny things where time never really stops and life keeps rolling along.  So, we were "suspended" but still living.  I've got some precious memories from this last year, ones that I will treasure in the quiet places of my heart.  Honestly, I've also got some memories I'd like to forget but will be better and stronger for remembering them instead.  For today, I'm thankful for our hiatus.  And, I believe, that with time I will be even more grateful for the "interruption" graciously given by our heavenly Father--in  order that He work all things together for our good, for those who love God and those who are called according to His purpose.